User Registration

User Registration API Endpoint
StoRegister - Login

User Registration (Tenant or Lead Registration)

The User Registration endpoint allows users to register in the system, either creating user credentials for authentication or creating contact information only. This endpoint serves multiple purposes, facilitating user registration in the tenant portal booking flow and handling registrations from the website or any online inquiry contact form.

Request Content Type
Response Content Type

Request Header

  • Authorization: X-API-Key string required

    X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.

Request Body:

  • userName string required

    Email address serving as the username for authentication.
  • password string required

    User's password for authentication
  • canCreateLoginCredentials boolean

    If true, user credentials will be created; otherwise, only contact information will be created.
  • firstName string required

    First name of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 60 characters.
  • lastName string required

    Last name of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 60 characters.
  • phoneNumber string required

    Phone or mobile number of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Maximum length is upto 15 characters.
  • emailId string required

    Email address of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Maximum length is upto 100 characters.
  • address string

    Address for a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 250 characters.
  • city string

    City of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 60 characters.
  • region integer

    State / County / Province ID of a specific lead or end user (tenant), zero by default.
  • countryId integer

    Country ID of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
  • zipCode string

    Postal code or ZIP code of a specific lead or end user (tenant).
    • Minimum length should be 4 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 15 characters.

Response Payload:

  • succeeded boolean

    Indicates whether the user registration attempt was successful. It is a boolean value where true denotes success, and false indicates failure.
  • status string

    Describes the status of the user registration attempt. It is a string providing additional information about the registration status.
  • data object | null

    Upon success, this property contains user information (referred to as authContactBookInfo) and an access token (referred to as token). If the user registration is not successful, the value is null.
  • errors array

    Holds error information if applicable. It is an array containing error details in case there are issues with the user registration attempt.

object: data

  • id unique-identifier

    User ID.
  • firstName string

    First name of the user.
  • lastName string

    Last name of the user.
  • email string

    User's email address.
  • phoneNumber string

    User's phone number.
  • address string

    User's street address.
  • city string

    User's city of residence.
  • region int

    State / County / Province ID (if applicable) for the tenant, by default 0.
  • postalCode string

    User's postal code.
  • country string

    User's country code.

Request Header

Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--

API Request

    "userName": "[email protected]",
    "password": "Super@123",
    "canCreateLoginCredentials": true,
    "firstName": "Laurent",
    "lastName": "Guertin",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phoneNumber": "10000000",
    "address": "93, avenue de Amandier",
    "city": "BOBIGNY",
    "region": 205,
    "postalCode": "93000",
    "country": 33,
    "propertyInfoId": "94DF61E3-7334-4D56-9D4D-C740CB0E2409"

API Response


    "data": {
        "authContactBookInfo": {
            "id": "4dd24246-a625-4952-bec2-9e2400be9c38",
            "firstName": "Laurent",
            "lastName": "Guertin",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phoneNumber": "0129226366",
            "address": "93, avenue de Amandier",
            "city": "BOBIGNY",
            "region": 205,
            "postalCode": "93000",
            "country": 33
    "succeeded": true,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errors": null

Error Codes


    INVALID_INPUT_PARAM refers to input details provided as null.

    INVALID_PARAM_USER_NAME refers to invalid username.

    INVALID_PARAM_USER_PASSWORD refers to invalid password.

    INVALID_PARAM_FIRSTNAME refers to invalid first name.
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 60 characters.

    INVALID_PARAM_LASTNAME refers to invalid last name.
    • Minimum length should be 2 characters.
    • Maximum length is upto 60 characters.

    INVALID_PARAM_CONTACT_NUMBER refers to invalid contact number.
    • Maximum length is upto 15 characters.

    INVALID_PARAM_EMAIL_ID refers to invalid email id.
    • Maximum length is upto 100 characters.

    CONTACT_CREATION_FAILED means failed to create the contact.

    TENANT_REGISTERATION_FAILED means unable to register the user.

    INVALID_PARAM_TENANT_USER_NAME refers to invalid username.

    INVALID_PARAM_TENANT_USER_PASSWORD refers to invalid password.

    INVALID_CONTACT_BOOK_DETAILS_INFO refers to unmatched contact details.

    NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found.

    FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call.

    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.