Boat and RV Management Software
Due to increased competition, it is always a need to introduce new innovation to the business and with StoRegister's cutting edge technology make your storage business interesting amongst your customers to generate more revenue.
Facility Setup
Easily manage the Boat and RV Spaces in covered parking and uncovered parking.
"Self Service" Online Booking
Offer home service for your customers to book the suitable garage space themselves and access the lease information anytime without contacting you through our tenant portal.
We integrate with industry specific third-party tools and open to integrate with your preferred third-party tools on request.
Inbuilt Automation
Keep your ball rolling with uninterrupted payment automation along with advanced features like discount, late fee, etc.
How does Boat and RV Storage Management Software work?
Storage Owners will be able to operate the Boat and RV Storage as Open spaces and Closed Buildings.
Does StoRegister adapts to sell Ancillary Services associated with Boat and RV Storage?
Yes, Storage Operators can sell associate ancillary services.
How does StoRegister Pricing work?
Pay As You Go with StoRegister - The Boat and RV Storage Management Software will cost you based on number of parking slots that you manage.
Does StoRegister integrate with tenant portal?
StoRegister's Online Booking and Tenant Portal can be easily plugged to any website.
Does StoRegister offer APIs to manage Boat and RV Storage?
Yes, we do have APIs open for our clients to customize their website booking and customer login page. Also, our APIs can be used to develop your mobile app. We offer complete documentation for developers to use our APIs.
Is StoRegister open to integrate with other third-party solution that customer prefers?
Yes, we are open to integrate with any third-party solution on request.
Which operating system does StoRegister Support?
Currently we support Web App and Mobile App (IOS & Android) will be launched during mid of 2022.
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