Insurance List By Booking ID - GET

Insurance List By Booking ID - GET API Endpoint
StoRegister - Login

List of Insurance Plan with Coverage By Booking ID API

The Insurance List endpoint provides a list of insurance options tailored to specific booking activities, considering the size of the storage box, whether in terms of area or volume. The list is fetched based on the associated booking ID.

Request Content Type
Response Content Type

Request Header

  • Authorization: X-API-Key string required

    X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.

URL Query Parameters:

  • bookingId string required

    bookingId refers to an activity ID of the specific booking.

Response Payload:

  • succeeded boolean

    Indicates whether the request to fetch the insurance options was successful. It is a boolean value where true denotes success, and false indicates failure.
  • status string

    Describes the status of the request to fetch insurance options. It is a string providing additional information about the status.
  • data array

    Contains an array of insurance options tailored to specific booking activities. Each option is designed based on the size of the storage box, considering factors such as area or volume. The list is fetched based on the associated booking ID. If there are no insurance options available, the value is an empty array.
  • pagination object

    Details about pagination, including current page number, total number of pages, and overall count of items.
  • errors array

    Holds error information if applicable. It is an array containing error details in case there are issues with fetching the insurance options.

Insurance Option Details

Details about the insurance option, including coverage and pricing information.

array data
  • id unique-identifier

    Unique identifier for the insurance option.
  • name string

    Name of the insurance option.
  • coverage object

    Details about the coverage amount, including price and formatted price.
  • priceId unique-identifier

    Identifier for the pricing details.
  • taxableAmount object

    Details about the taxable amount, including price and formatted price.
  • taxPercentage object

    Details about the tax percentage, including price and formatted price.
  • taxAmount object

    Details about the tax amount, including price and formatted price.
  • payableAmount object

    Details about the payable amount, including price and formatted price.

Request Header

Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--

API Response

    "data": [
            "id": "0351226f-c41c-42f1-abaa-3cb41f856cfc",
            "name": "Assurance pour 1 000€",
            "coverage": {
                "price": 1000,
                "formattedPrice": "1 000,00 €"
            "priceId": "80c0d891-9020-4eba-9a4f-dae6e205e1c4",
            "taxableAmount": {
                "price": 5,
                "formattedPrice": "5,00 €"
            "taxPercentage": {
                "price": 0,
                "formattedPrice": "0"
            "taxAmount": {
                "price": 0,
                "formattedPrice": "0,00 €"
            "payableAmount": {
                "price": 5,
                "formattedPrice": "5,00 €"
        // ... (Additional insurance options)
    "pagination": {
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageCount": 25,
        "totalCount": 4
    "succeeded": true,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errors": null

Error Codes


    INVALID_PARAM_ACTIVITY_INFO_ID refers to invalid activity ID.

    INVALID_ACTIVITY_INFO_DETAILS means invalid activity details.

    DB_INVALID_PARAM_PROPERTY_INFO_ID refers to a specific property ID that is not available.

    NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found.

    FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call.

    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.