List of Properties
Retrieve the List of PropertiesRetrieve List of Properties
The List of Property endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of properties available in the system. This information includes details such as property ID, name, address, geographical coordinates, contact information, and images. The API response also provides pagination information for large result sets.
Request Content Type
Response Content Type
Request Header
Authorization: X-API-Key string required
X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.
Response Payload:
succeeded boolean
Indicates whether the request to retrieve the list of properties was successful. -
status string
Describes the status of the request (e.g., "SUCCESS" or "ERROR"). -
data array
Contains property information upon successful. -
pagination object
Details about pagination, including current page number, total number of pages, and overall count of items. -
errors array
Holds error information if applicable. It is null for successful requests.
array: data
id unique-identifier
Unique identifier for the property. -
name string
Name of the property. -
address string
Street address of the property. -
city string
City where the property is located. -
latitude float
Latitude coordinate of the property location. -
longitude float
Longitude coordinate of the property location. -
postalCode string
Postal code of the property location. -
country object
Country where the property is located. -
countryISOCode2 string
ISO code (2 characters) for the country of the property. -
googlePlaceId string
Google Place ID associated with the property location. -
contactNumber string
Contact number for the property. -
propertyImageList null or array
List of property images or null if not available. -
propertyOfficeOpeningHoursInfoList null or array
List of information about property office opening hours or null if not available (refer to the Property Working Hours section for details).
Property Working Hours
Information about the working hours of the property, including opening and closing times for each day of the week.
array data.propertyOfficeOpeningHoursInfoList
dayOfWeek integer
Day of the week represented as an integer (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, ..., 6 for Saturday). The value -1 represents public holidays. -
week string
Name of the day of the week in French. -
firstTimeSlot string
Opening and closing time of the first time slot, if applicable. -
secondTimeSlot string
Opening and closing time of the second time slot, if applicable. -
isClosed boolean
Indicates whether the property is closed on the specified day.
Request Header
Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--
API Response
"address":"54 rue André Vasseur",
"region": {
"id": 216,
"name": "Occitania"
"contactNumber":"+33 10000000",
"propertyOfficeOpeningHoursInfoList": [
"dayOfWeek": 0,
"week": "dimanche",
"firstTimeSlot": null,
"secondTimeSlot": null,
"isClosed": true
"dayOfWeek": 1,
"week": "lundi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": 2,
"week": "mardi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": 3,
"week": "mercredi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": 4,
"week": "jeudi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": 5,
"week": "vendredi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": 6,
"week": "samedi",
"firstTimeSlot": "09:00 To 12:30",
"secondTimeSlot": "13:30 To 19:00",
"isClosed": false
"dayOfWeek": -1,
"week": null,
"firstTimeSlot": null,
"secondTimeSlot": null,
"isClosed": true
// ... (Additional property information)
Error Codes
NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found. -
FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call. -
SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.