Generate Receipt by BrainTree Payment API

Generate Receipt by BrainTree Payment API Endpoint
StoRegister - Login

BrainTree Payment Confirmation and Generate Receipt for Un-paid Invoice

This endpoint receives the nonce from the BrainTree UI after a successful card save process. The API processes the nonce and charges the card for the requested un-paid invoice. The API returns the receipt ID upon successful completion of the payment log and receipt voucher generation process.

Request Content Type
Response Content Type

Request Header

  • Authorization: X-API-Key string required

    X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.
  • Authorization: X-Token string required

    X-Token represents the user session token. It is a string of characters that uniquely identifies the user's session.

URL Query Parameters:

  • invoiceId unique-identifier required

    invoiceId refers to the ID of the unpaid invoice.
  • nonce string required

    nonce - The nonce received from the BrainTree UI after a successful card save process.

Response Payload:

  • succeeded boolean

    Indicates whether the BrainTree payment confirmation and receipt generation process was successful. It is a boolean value where true denotes success, and false indicates failure.
  • status string

    Describes the status of the BrainTree payment confirmation and receipt generation process. It is a string providing additional information about the status.
  • data unique-identifier | null

    Upon success, this property contains the unique identifier representing the receipt ID associated with the completed BrainTree payment confirmation and receipt generation process for the unpaid invoice. If the operation is not successful, the value is null.
  • errors array

    Holds error information if applicable. It is an array containing error details in case there are issues with the BrainTree payment confirmation and receipt generation process.

Request Header

Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--
Authorization: X-Token --user-session-token--

API Response

    "data": "65353E22-C3A6-4600-9DE4-9813D5ECC6B4",
    "succeeded": true,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errors": null

Error Codes


    INVALID_PARAM_INVOICE_INFO_ID refers to invoice ID.

    INVALID_PARAM_BRAINTREE_PAYMENT_METHOD_NONCE refers to braintree payment nonce.

    INVALID_PARAM_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_MASTER_INFO refers to payment gateway master ID OR invalid payment gateway.

    INVALID_PARAM_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_INFO_ID refers to payment gateway ID OR invalid payment gateway.

    PAYMENT_GATEWAY_DETAILS_FAILED refers to invalid payment gateway details.

    INVALID_BRAINTREE_INITIALIZATION refers to braintree initalization failed.

    BRAIN_TREE_TRANSACTION_FAILED refers to braintree payment gateway responed as Transaction Failed.

    BRAIN_TREE_GATEWAY_REJECTED refers to braintree payment gateway responed as Gateway Rejected.

    BRAIN_TREE_PROCESSOR_DECLINED refers to braintree payment gateway responed as Processor Declined.

    BRAIN_TREE_SETTLEMENT_DECLINED refers to braintree payment gateway responed as Settlement Declined.

    UNRECOGNIZED refers to braintree payment gateway responed as Unrecognized Transaction.

    INVALID_PARAM_RCEIPT_INPUT refers to unmatched receipt input object.

    INVALID_RENTAL_INFO_DETAILS refers to unmatched rental details object.

    INVALID_INVOICE_DETAILS refers to unable to retreive invoice details object.

    INVALID_PARAM_BRAINTREE_INTENT_RESULT refers to unable to retrive brain tree payment intent object.

    PAYMENT_PROCESS_FAILED refers to payment process failed.

    RECEIPT_CREATION_FAILIED refers to receipt creation failed in booking process.

    NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found.

    FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call.

    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.