Tenant Password - UPDATE

Tenant Password - UPDATE API Endpoint
StoRegister - Tenant

Tenant Password Update API

This API endpoint facilitates the update of a new password by validating it against the existing password along with the concurrency stamp. If the validation is successful, the password will be updated; otherwise, it will return appropriate error codes for the logged-in tenant. In the case of a successful operation, it will return the client ID.

This API endpoint ensures the security of password updates by validating against the existing password and utilizing a concurrency stamp for each change. The response provides information about the success of the operation, the status, the updated client ID, and any potential errors.

Request Content Type
Response Content Type

Request Header

  • Authorization: X-API-Key string required

    X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.
  • Authorization: X-Token string required

    X-Token represents the user session token. It is a string of characters that uniquely identifies the user's session.

Request Body:

  • existingPassword string required

    The existingPassword parameter is mandatory and should contain the current password associated with a specific lead or end-user (tenant).
  • newPassword string required

    The newPassword parameter is mandatory and should contain the new password intended for a specific lead or end-user (tenant).
  • concurrencyStamp string required

    The concurrencyStamp parameter is mandatory and should hold the concurrency stamp obtained from the Tenant Change Password Request endpoint. To generate a concurrency stamp, please refer to the Change Password Request section.

Response Payload:

  • succeeded boolean

    Indicates the success of the request to change the password.
  • status string

    Describes the status of the request to change the password for the login user.
  • data unique-identifier

    Contains information related to the success of the password change, such as a client Id (i.e., tenant).
  • errors array

    Holds any error information if applicable.

Request Header

Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--
Authorization: X-Token --token--

API Request

    "existingPassword": "existing-password",
    "newPassword": "new-password",
    "concurrencyStamp": "A55C13AC-FDCC-45B0-8BE5-138DBA9902E4"

API Response

    "data": "65353E22-C3A6-4600-9DE4-9813D5ECC6B4",
    "succeeded": true,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errors": null

Error Codes


    INVALID_PARAM_CONTACT_BOOK_ID refers to invalid contact id or invaild user id to retrieve contact details.

    INVALID_PARAM_EXISTING_PASSWORD refers to invalid existing password.

    INVALID_PARAM_NEW_PASSWORD refers to invalid new password.

    INVALID_CONTACT_BOOK_DETAILS_INFO refers to unmatched contact details.

    CHANGE_PASSWORD_FAILED refers to change password request failed.

    MISMATCH_EXISTING_PASSWORD refers to unmatched existing password.

    NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found.

    FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call.

    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.