Tenant Information - GET

Tenant Information - GET API Endpoint
StoRegister - Tenant

Tenant Information Get API

This endpoint facilitates the retrieval of comprehensive information about the Tenant, encompassing primary profile details, valuable insights, a detailed list of contracts, and an overview of unpaid invoices. It provides a holistic view of the Tenant's engagement and financial interactions with the platform.

Request Content Type
Response Content Type

Request Header

  • Authorization: X-API-Key string required

    X-API-Key is a string of letters and numbers used to authenticate and control access to the API. It can be generated in the StoRegister management application.
  • Authorization: X-Token string required

    X-Token represents the user session token. It is a string of characters that uniquely identifies the user's session.

Response Payload:

  • succeeded boolean

    Indicates whether the request to retrieve Tenant information was successful.
  • status string

    Describes the status of the request to retrieve Tenant information for the login user.
  • data object

    Data containing Tenant Information (please refer to the Tenant Detail section).
  • errors array

    Holds any error information if applicable.

Tenant Details

This section provides essential contact information for the logged-in user (i.e., Tenant). It includes details such as the unique identifier, first name, last name, email address, phone number, address, city, postal code, region, country, and a remote file path to the profile image.

object data.contactBook
  • id unique-identifier

    Unique identifier for the Tenant.
  • firstName string

    First name of the Tenant.
  • lastName string

    Last name of the Tenant.
  • email string

    Email address of the Tenant.
  • phoneNumber string

    Phone number of the Tenant.
  • address string

    Address of the Tenant.
  • city string

    City of the Tenant.
  • postalCode string

    Postal code of the Tenant.
  • region object

    Information about the state, province, or county (if applicable) of the Tenant, including the unique identifier (Id) and name.
  • country object

    Country information of the Tenant, including the unique identifier (Id), name, ISO codes, and dialing code.
  • profileImageInfoPath object

    Remote file Path to the profile image of the Tenant.

Tenant Contact Insight

Gain insightful information about the logged-in user (i.e., Tenant). This section presents a summary of the tenant's engagement, including the total number of contracts, active contracts, unpaid invoices, unpaid invoice amount, and account balance.

object data.contactInsight
  • totalContractCount integer

    Total number of contracts associated with the Tenant.
  • activeContractCount integer

    Number of active contracts associated with the Tenant.
  • unpaidInvoiceCount integer

    Total number of unpaid invoices associated with the Tenant.
  • unpaidInvoiceAmount object

    Details about the total unpaid invoice amount, including the price and formatted price.
  • accountBalance object

    Details about the account balance, including the price and formatted price.

Tenant Contracts

Explore the list of contracts associated with the logged-in user (i.e., Tenant). Each contract entry encompasses unique details such as an identifier, transaction ID, storage name, property name, space ID, transaction date, move-in date, rental amount, rental payable amount, lease status, and payment period.

array data.contract
  • id unique-identifier

    Unique identifier for the contract associated with the Tenant.
  • transactId string

    Transaction ID associated with the contract.
  • storageName string

    Storage name associated with the contract.
  • propertyName string

    Property name associated with the contract.
  • spaceId string

    Space ID associated with the contract.
  • transactDate string

    Transaction date associated with the contract.
  • moveInDate string

    Move-in date associated with the contract.
  • rentalAmount object

    Details about the rental amount, including the price and formatted price.
  • rentalPayableAmount object

    Details about the rental payable amount, including the price and formatted price.
  • leaseStatus object

    Details about the lease status, including the key and value.
  • paymentPeriod string

    Payment period associated with the contract (e.g., "Monthly").

Tenant Unpaid Invoices

Review the list of unpaid invoices linked to the logged-in user (i.e., Tenant). Each unpaid invoice entry includes crucial details such as a unique identifier, sequence ID, transaction date, transaction ID, transaction type, rental information ID, gross amount, paid amount, balance amount, reverse transaction status, and transaction assets information ID.

array data.unPaidInvoice
  • id unique-identifier

    Unique identifier for the unpaid invoice associated with the Tenant.
  • sequenceId integer

    Sequence ID associated with the unpaid invoice.
  • transactDate string

    Transaction date associated with the unpaid invoice.
  • transactId string

    Transaction ID associated with the unpaid invoice.
  • transactionType string

    Transaction type associated with the unpaid invoice (e.g., "RENTAL").
  • transactionTypeValue string

    Human-readable value of the transaction type (e.g., "Rental").
  • rentalInfoId string

    Rental information ID associated with the unpaid invoice.
  • rentalInfoTransactId string

    Rental information transaction ID associated with the unpaid invoice.
  • grossAmount object

    Details about the gross amount of the unpaid invoice, including the price and formatted price.
  • paidAmount object

    Details about the paid amount of the unpaid invoice, including the price and formatted price.
  • balanceAmount object

    Details about the balance amount of the unpaid invoice, including the price and formatted price.
  • reverseTxnStatus null

    Status of the reverse transaction (if applicable).
  • reverseTxnStatusValue null

    Human-readable value of the reverse transaction status (if applicable).
  • transactionAssetsInfoId string

    Transaction assets information ID associated with the unpaid invoice.

Request Header

Authorization: X-API-Key --api-key--
Authorization: X-Token --token--

API Response

    "data": {
        "contactBook": {
            "id": "e9e3de25-9b64-43b2-8510-5d954d091053",
            "firstName": "Giada",
            "lastName": "Rossi",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phoneNumber": "+33 111120000",
            "address": "2400 Rue des Chalets",
            "city": "Toulouse",
            "postalCode": "31000",
            "region": null,
            "country": {
                "id": 82,
                "name": "France"
            "profileImageInfoPath": "https://..."
        "contactInsight": {
            "totalContractCount": 1,
            "activeContractCount": 1,
            "unpaidInvoiceCount": 2,
            "unpaidInvoiceAmount": {
                "price": 60.000,
                "formattedPrice": "60,00 €"
            "accountBalance": {
                "price": -60.000,
                "formattedPrice": "-60,00 €"
        "contract": [
                "id": "73c55f34-3594-443d-a360-f1e8e0bfe331",
                "transactId": "CSC70",
                "storageName": "Box",
                "propertyName": "Chalets",
                "spaceId": "F5(Box)",
                "transactDate": "20-02-2024",
                "moveInDate": "22-02-2024",
                "rentalAmount": {
                    "price": 35.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "35,00 €"
                "rentalPayableAmount": {
                    "price": 35.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "35,00 €"
                "leaseStatus": {
                    "key": "INITIATED",
                    "value": "Initiated"
                "paymentPeriod": "Monthly"
        "unPaidInvoice": [
                "id": "103a5042-36e4-4af1-9b27-739d608ce280",
                "sequenceId": 0,
                "transactDate": "21-02-2024",
                "transactId": "CIN89",
                "transactionType": "RENTAL",
                "transactionTypeValue": "Rental",
                "rentalInfoId": "73c55f34-3594-443d-a360-f1e8e0bfe331",
                "rentalInfoTransactId": "CSC70",
                "grossAmount": {
                    "price": 35.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "35,00 €"
                "paidAmount": {
                    "price": 0.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "0,00 €"
                "balanceAmount": {
                    "price": 35.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "35,00 €"
                "reverseTxnStatus": null,
                "reverseTxnStatusValue": null,
                "transactionAssetsInfoId": "ee6888b8-30d0-4748-a485-fc000254d17a"
                "id": "6394a01f-a3a1-4940-8e5c-0dc4e3657385",
                "sequenceId": 0,
                "transactDate": "21-02-2024",
                "transactId": "CIN87",
                "transactionType": "CUSTOM",
                "transactionTypeValue": "Custom",
                "rentalInfoId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                "rentalInfoTransactId": null,
                "grossAmount": {
                    "price": 25.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "25,00 €"
                "paidAmount": {
                    "price": 0.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "0,00 €"
                "balanceAmount": {
                    "price": 25.000,
                    "formattedPrice": "25,00 €"
                "reverseTxnStatus": null,
                "reverseTxnStatusValue": null,
                "transactionAssetsInfoId": "dbdc7725-bb72-4fa2-86d9-2aa25bf07488"
    "succeeded": true,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errors": null

Error Codes


    INVALID_PARAM_CONTACT_BOOK_ID refers to invalid contact id or invaild user id to retrieve contact details.

    UNABLE_TO_RETREIVE_CONTACT_DETAILS refers to unable to retrieve contact details.

    NO_RECORDS_FOUND means there is no relevant information found.

    FAILED refers to an unsuccessful API call.

    SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG refers to technical glitch. Please contact administrator.